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Podcast Episode:
"We've gone straight from Alex Jones to David Icke. I can't believe they are showing this on the air." -Me on watching AHS: Death Valley for the first time. In rewatching it for this episode, I feel the same way. Aliens. Chimeras. American treaties with the aliens. Abductions. Forced extraterrestrial pregnancies. Wowza.
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Welcome to con-sara-cy theories. Are you ready to ask questions you shouldn't and find information you're not supposed to know? Well, you're in the right place. Here is your host, Sara Causey.
Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In tonight's episode, I want to review American Horror Story, Death Valley. After watching that documentary about Phil Schneider in the underground, it sort of flung a craving on me to go back and rewatch this. I saw it initially when it was on the air back in like fall of 2021, and hand to God. My reaction was, we've gone straight from Alex Jones to David Ike. I cannot believe they are showing this on the air. You're gonna get politicians, conspiracies, Reptilians, space aliens, treaties with outer space aliens, the character valiant Thor, etc. So saddle up with a frosty beverage of choice, and we will take this ride. American Horror Story. Death Valley was part of the 10th season, which overall, was titled American Horror Story double feature. Most of the episodes actually go along with the first storyline, which was titled Red Tide, and that that story is sort of like a vampire type story, because this woman, who's like Harvard educated, comes up with this drug, and it enhances people's creativity to an insane level. So they don't just write a novel, they win a Pulitzer Prize, they don't just write a screenplay. Their film will sweep the Oscars. They're winning Grammys, and they're making insane Broadway plays that everybody just fawns over. But if somebody is like a dilettante, and they take this drug hoping that they'll be made into a genius, they actually turn into this weird, Nosferatu, hairless vampire creature that roams the streets and is banished from polite society. The people that are able to take the drug and have these insane bursts of creativity, it's a deal with the devil, because they also start to crave human blood. So they have to murder. In order to continue doing what they're doing, they have to commit murder. There's even a dentist in this town that will file people's teeth down to points so that they have fangs, and she'll make little dentures, you know, go over the fangs, so that people don't know that's what they're doing, and they justify all of this, not only because of the accolades, the awards that they win. Oh, people are so enjoying our creativity, Isn't it worth it, but also because they feel that they're preying on the dregs of society, the ne'er do wells, drug manufacturers, drug dealers, meth heads, thieves, rapists, murderers. What we're doing is performing Society of favor, because we're out here making all of this wonderful art and literature and music, and then we're also, at the same time, ridding these towns of undesirable riffraff. The reason why I had this reaction of, oh my God, we've gone straight from Alex Jones to David Ike. I can't believe they're showing this. For one thing, you know, there's all those conspiracy theories about Adrenochrome, that people are tortured so that these hormones can be harvested by people that want to drink blood. And I thought about Alex Jones and the whole thing with literal vampire pot bellied goblins hobbling around, coming after us. That's pretty much what you see in red tide as more of a metaphor. I think we do see this kind of behavior from the parasite class, these hyper elites that feel like it's okay for John and Jane Q Public to own nothing. You've owned nothing, and you could be happy get in your cardboard box, go into virtual reality, eat your cricket burger. And then when you look at the wealth, particularly, if we were to use the pandemic as a microcosm of this, when you look at the wealth that gets sucked up in the food chain, it's not that this wealth is actually being legit, created through real means, it's that the wealth is being siphoned off everybody else. There's a great metaphor there. Oh, we're just getting rid of the transients and the undesirables. We deserve the wealth. We're the hyper elites, and we do all of these wonderful things for you. So we deserve what we're getting now. Go away little peon. So the red tide. Red Tide. Part of it is interesting. I want to talk about the second part, though, the second story that was Death Valley, because there's all kinds of conspiracy theories in here. I mean, it's almost just like, Where does one even begin? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, here they come. It was, it. I don't know, criticized. There were some critics that didn't really like it, some viewers that didn't really like it. I guess for me, I got the references, and so it was more amusing, maybe. But after watching Phil Schneider and the underground and the whole thing about dumbs, the deep underground military bases, I was like, I need to go back and rewatch that. Just rewatch it with a fresh set of eyes and see what I think. So we be talking about the four episodes that make up the Death Valley storyline. Spoilers lie ahead. Obviously, if you haven't seen this and you plan to go ahead, download this episode, bookmark it, come back to it later. Watch it for yourself. I do not want to be guilty of spoiling anything, because in some respects, it is batshit crazy, and I want you to have the experience of these WHAT THE FUCK moments for yourself. I don't really want to ruin that for anybody if you're interested in going to watch it. Another disclaimer I will put up is that, yes, I am very well aware that this is a fictional television show, even though they deal with characters who actually existed in real life. It is a fictional television show. Nobody is saying that these things truly, literally happened. I feel like I have to make that disclaimer, because, as I've said before, the accusation gets tossed around that those of us in Gen X, we all, as an entire generation, went to see Oliver Stone's film, JFK. We all believed that we were watching literal history. We're too dumb to know that a Hollywood movie is not the same thing as cracking open an actual biography. I feel compelled to just go ahead and put that up on Front Street. I am very well aware that this is a television show. So season 10, Episode Seven, this starts the Death Valley storyline. We see a woman cooking in an old fashioned kitchen when electrical disturbances occur, and we learn that it's Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1954 there's a boy playing in the yard, and he sees dust devils outside. A clock runs backwards in the house, and the boy evidently becomes possessed by an alien force. When the woman's husband gets home from work, the wife is also possessed by this alien force, and she kills him. We now go to Palm Springs, California, where Eisenhower is playing golf. He learns of an incursion in US airspace that wasn't the Russians. He goes to check it out, and it's a flying saucer. An alien body is found there. A woman is also found with strange symbols carved into her back near the crash site, and she claims to be Amelia Earhart. She alleges that she was abducted and experimented on by aliens. We also learned that she's two months pregnant. We then see an Alien Autopsy. Some type of goo comes out of the alien, and both of the autopsy doctors are killed. The woman from the beginning of the episode, the housewife that gets possessed by the alien, she appears, and she too begins killing people. Eisenhower offers to negotiate with her and find out what the aliens want. Now we fast forward in time to a group of annoying Gen Z college kids. And the reason why I say that is because they are objectively annoying in this series. Like one of the guys is, oh, I spent a summer abroad in Japan, and I just got so spoiled to the Saki, just not any Saki will do. Just like, oh God. And the waitress is rolling her eyes like, okay, dude, they start talking about the rapid advancement of technology in the last 50 years. IE, someone in the second century could adapt to the 14th century better than someone who teleported in from the 1970s to today. So in other words, if somebody hadn't lived through all of these changes, just 1970 was the last time that they were alive and they just teleported here. They would be incredibly confused by everything that's going on. They agreed to go camping without any technology, to have a Luddite vacation. So automatically, you're thinking about this in the trope of horror movies. What could possibly go wrong these kids are going to all go out in the desert with no cell phones, no way of being able to call for help if something goes wrong, I'm sure everything will be fine. Wink. They discover that the landscape they are in changes from one day to the next. They smell something rotten and discover a herd of mutilated cattle. Now the cattle have been sliced in half, yet they're still mooing. The kids want to leave, and they try to but they're stranded on the road. When their car dies, a beam of light like a helicopter spotlight beams into the car. An alien approaches them and wraps them up in its tentacles. They wake up with weird amnesia, and one of the kids winds up outside the vehicle on the road. After they get home, they fall ill. The girls take pregnancy tests and discover that they are positive. One of them suspects alien abduction. And the big twist that ends that episode is that the boys discover that they, too are pregnant. Episode Eight, which is titled, inside. Opens up with Eisenhower and Nixon on a golf course in 1963. Eisenhower asks him how he knows, and he said, Hoover called me. He heard from the joint chiefs that you were going to have a talk with Jack. Nixon is worried that Eisenhower is going to tell JFK about the alien treaty. Nixon tells Eisenhower that JFK cannot be trusted. Eisenhower makes the comment that Bobby is already asking questions about the black budget, so they're probably going to find out the truth anyway. Nixon asks him, and what if Kennedy's Roman Catholic conscience can't live with this. Now this definitely made me think back to the documentary The Underground, because Phil Schneider is talking about this infamous Black Budget. And what people don't know is that, supposedly, this black budget has to do with extraterrestrials. That's probably not the only thing that it has to do with but these deep underground military bases and communications with extraterrestrials is a part of it, Eisenhower and Nixon go to JFK in the Oval Office to share the alien information we learn now from JFK that the treaty includes a proviso that Americans could be abducted and experimented on. Eisenhower admits that 5000 people a year are sacrificed to ensure the safety of others. And Nixon brings up the technology from the aliens that will allow the US to dominate the world. We cut to a scene of JFK blabbing to Marilyn Monroe, who is not at all surprised. She claims to have had a weird alien experience herself when she was a child. Nixon calls Eisenhower in the middle of the night. He's heard that JFK is going to convene a secret study group. Nixon refers to JFK as Little Lord Fauntleroy, which made me laugh out loud, Nixon assumes that Jews and Harvard fucks will be in the group. Those are his words, not mine. Nixon claims Kennedy will point the finger of blame at Eisenhower. So it's time to consider containment. We see Ike and Mamie enjoying TV and talking about the newfangled microwave oven as they are eating TV dinners, the news bulletin comes across regarding JFK murder in Dallas, Mamie asks if it's related to them, meaning the aliens, and he tells her to call Jackie to offer condolences, but she decides not to. She feels that they have been patriots. Now we go back in time to nine years earlier, which would have been 1954 Eisenhower has a military meeting about making a treaty with aliens. Some argue that if the US doesn't play ball with the aliens, then the Soviets will Okay. Here we go again, classic Cold War archetype. We have to do this evil thing, because if we don't, the Soviets will do it, and then we will lose the arms race, the initial housewife who was taken over by aliens, floats into the room to present a special kind of metal that is invisible to radar. It's offered like sort of a bribe. One of the admirals tries to kill the alien, but she kills him instead, she tells Eisenhower that their world is dying and they will go extinct if they can't live on Earth. Eisenhower asks why the aliens need to abduct people. She says the earth is contaminated. She says they want to create something better, part human, part alien. We see that Amelia Earhart has given birth to some sort of hybrid creature that's gone on a killing spree, and the alien baby itself gets murdered in a spray of Boomstick fire. The big threat is if the US says no, the aliens will go to the Russians with their technology. Nixon and Mamie Eisenhower have a secret meeting where she discloses the intel about the aliens to him. She wants Nixon to manipulate Eisenhower to agree to the treaty with the aliens. Nixon proposes that they agree to work with the aliens and then double cross them. Later, Eisenhower discovers that Mamie has been possessed by the aliens as well, and they threaten him. Now we go forward in time to the college kids. The four of them go to an OBGYN, whom we're told is discreet. Overnight their stomachs are huge. The OB says she thinks she sees twins on the ultrasound that she's doing on one of the girls, but is then horrified, a black van pulls up to the clinic, and it's the proverbial Men in Black, the OB, GYN, is murdered, and the four kids are abducted. They are taken to a strange facility with other pregnant people. It's very white, sterile and clean, looking like a colt. And we see Steve Jobs in this place randomly. And that's the end of episode eight. Episode Nine, titled Blue Moon. We start in 1954 with Eisenhower reading the treaty. He feels that he is being blackmailed into signing it. Now he has to live with the consequences. We go forward by three years, alien incursions with missing people continue, yet the US hasn't received any spectac Spectacular technology inter valiant Thor. This also made me think of that Phil Schneider and the underground documentary, because he mentions valiant Thor by name. Valiant Thor is himself. Some. Of hybrid creature. He shows them a handheld device that looks similar to an iPod. He says that the aliens will make good on their promises of technological advancement. Eisenhower hears yelling and weird noises. He sees a door with a handprint control and goes in an elevator. He winds up in an underground bunker of some kind. The aliens are conducting biomedical experiments down there. Eisenhower denies knowing anything about the facility, and valiant Thor makes a smart ass remark about keeping a closer eye on the military budget. And I've written in my notes so we're now in Phil Schneider dumbs territory, the deep underground military bases. The aliens want to make a hybrid creature between an alien and a human being. Valiant Thor says they aren't even interested in the Soviets. The real threat is having humanity taken by force. Eisenhower tries to tell Mamie what's going on, but she's cold and uninterested. She suggests moving the aliens to Nevada, and even mentions Nathan twining, which, as you may remember, he's also mentioned in that whole Phil Schneider, Oscar Schneider, you know the documents that Phil finds supposedly in his dad's basement after his dad dies. So Eisenhower gives these aliens 38,000 acres for their experiments to be held in area 51 he hears moaning and is concerned, but he catches Mamie in bed with valiant Thor, and this causes him to pass out. Five years later, at the Foxtrot Bravo India headquarters, we see a video of Marilyn Monroe talking about alien abductions. Nixon tells Eisenhower that this is a major problems. She drinks, she takes pills, she tries to reach JFK, unsuccessfully and is murdered in her home. We see Kennedy in the Oval Office, and Nixon calls him. He offers condolences for her death and says he had nothing to do with her death. Nixon tells him to check his pillow talk when fornicating with trumpets. One year later, we see Nixon and Eisenhower meeting in secret with LBJ. Valiant Thor introduces himself to LBJ, who is, by then, the President himself, and he sees the alien experiments at Area 51 we return now to the college kids. One of the boys is gone in labor. He has the baby through a stomach incision, but the experimenters dislike the child's appearance and murder it. A woman named Calico tells them they're at Area 51 and there will be no escape. She's been having babies there since 1969 She shows them a set where the moon landing was faked for TV. She claims that she met Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin while they were supposed to be on the moon. They drink and tell her that it's fake. After this Calico was taken by the men in black to area 51 she says Nixon was obsessed with Dr Strangelove and tapped Stanley Kubrick to direct the fake landing. More conspiracy theories. These are things that we've heard before that because of the success of Dr Strangelove and how on the nail, absolutely on the head of the nail that Stanley Kubrick got that film he was as well as was the other one, 2001 A Space Odyssey. It was like the combination of his talents and how real all of these things appeared to be he was tapped to do, supposedly, this fake moon landing. Calico argues that it was a way to ease humans into thinking that big technological leaps were possible. The other boy goes into labor and is scared that the aliens will murder the baby. The two boys decide to try and keep the baby secret and deliver it on their own. There's a tender moment until the baby sprouts tentacles and tries to kill them. Episode 10, which is the final episode, is titled The Future Perfect. Nixon is facing Vietnam War protests. It's 1972 valiant Thor is there, along with Henry Kissinger. Valiant says that the war is performing an important function. If people are focused on the war, they won't be focused on all the people going missing. He says he believes an alien human hybrid won't exist until 2021 valiant says a whole menu of distractions is available. And we discovered that Kissinger is a reptilian that was the moment where I was like, oh my god, we're straight into David Ike territory. Now, because that's one of the things that at various times over the years, he has talked about this theory about weird reptilian people that are on the earth. We go back in time three years earlier, Eisenhower has had a heart attack and sees Kissinger on TV. He confesses to Mamie that Aliens aren't the only ones. There are also reptilian creatures that live amongst humans. Valiant Thor had abducted one of them. Valiant offers to take him to area 51 so that he doesn't have to die, but he he chooses to go anyway. Now we go back to 1970 2g Gordon Liddy comes to Nixon, and Nixon says that he was tapped to be the ringleader of the circus when the tent burns down, he says valiant has an office at Watergate that he wants bugged. Mamie appears. Deep Throat to Woodward to leak the Watergate story. Mamie asks valiant if it would be better to murder Nixon, but he says no, because too many politicians have already died mysteriously. Kissinger tells him that resignation is the only option left. Nixon threatens to talk about recent fucking history. He thinks about refusing to resign, at which point he is abducted and given an anal probe. So then he resigns. In 1979 Mamie dies, but not really. She's taken to area 51 Calico meets her there, and they buddy up. We return to the college kids. The place is on lockdown. Mamie is still there in a pink bedroom. The alien baby has killed the two boys, and a group of soldiers manages to kill the alien octopus baby. Meanwhile, the two girls are now in labor. One of the alien babies is murdered along with the mother. The other girl's baby is declared a perfect specimen. That girl is also murdered, but her body is preserved as a breeding vessel. Mamie confronts valiant Thor about the hybrid. He admits that 60 years of experimentation has paid off. Now they must make as many thetan hybrids as possible. He says the world needs to continue without humans. Mamie freaks out and realizes that Ike was right. She brings up the reptilians and valiant confirms their existence. Mamie says she wants to see this hybrid baby, Mamie tries to convince Calico to start an uprising. Maybe they could murder the hybrid baby. She likens it to killing Hitler or Stalin. It would be a service to humanity. Mamie is unable to complete her plan. She is killed instead, and Calico is offered the chance to be a mother to the hybrid babies. The birth process accelerates its perfect babies. And with that, the show ends as I've talked about before. Valiant Thor is supposedly some type of extraterrestrial that came to Earth and worked with Eisenhower, and then has a meeting with like President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon. And then he stays on earth for a period of time to work with top scientists and soldiers while he lives inside the Pentagon. The thetan reference, I think, comes from Scientology. I think that's a Scientology term of some kind. Then we have the reptilian conspiracy theory. If you go to Wikipedia, you can read a little synopsis. Reptilians are supposed reptilian humanoids which play a prominent role in fantasy science fiction, UFO ology, and maybe that's ufology, I don't know. And conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist, who claimed shape shifting reptilian aliens control earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies. I can stated on multiple occasions that many world leaders are or are possessed by so called reptilians. Some conspiracy theorists espousing the extraterrestrial hypothesis claim they either come from the Draco constellation or the Orion constellation, and our allies with nefarious extraterrestrials from the Orion constellation, others claim they are interdimensional, coming from another universe or dimension. I'm going to scoot down a little bit here, under the heading alien abduction. We read alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures. One of the earliest reports of that was Ashland Nebraska police officer Herbert Shermer, who, under hypnosis, recalled being taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who wore a winged serpent emblem on the left side of their chest. Skeptics consider his claims to be a hoax. All but in and say, here we go again with this under hypnosis thing, there's no way to know what was going on in the room, like what, what power of suggestion might have been used, whether this was a fantasy, whether it was legitimate. Someone is believes that they are remembering something like that, or it's all just a hoax. I've talked about that before with the documentary Satan wants you and the book Michelle remembers, and then some of the criticisms about Jim Garrison using sodium pentathol and hypnosis. I mean, you get into a realm of who the hell knows what actually happened there under the heading David Icke, we read according to British conspiracy theorist David Ike, who first published on this theme in his 1999 work, the biggest secret tall blood drinking, shape shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. He contends that most of the world's ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal Family, Ike's conspiracy theories now have supporters in up to 47 countries, and he has given lectures to crowds of up to 6000 people. American writer Vicki santolano included Ike's conspiracy theory in her list of the 10 most popular Conspiracy. Series, a poll of Americans in 2013 by Public Policy Polling indicated that 4% of registered voters, plus or minus 2.8% believed in David Ike's ideas. End quote, so I would say this is another arena where you're going to have to make up your own mind, come to your own conclusions. I thought that that whole double feature series was interesting because it does tackle these conspiracy theories without necessarily making light of them. I mean, maybe satirizing them in some ways, but it's just like, Okay, here's the conspiracy theory. We're gonna play it out in a television show, and you decide for yourself what to think. Yeah. There are conspiracy theories specific to the murder of JFK that allege one of the primary reasons why he was taken out was because he wanted the Charlie India alpha to share more information about these various extraterrestrial programs and what they knew about extraterrestrial programs with other branches of the government, and then eventually with the American public. And that was going to be verboten, so he had to go, I mean, this is depicted in Death Valley. Is like, okay, Eisenhower and Nixon go to him to tell him, assuming that he'll be trustworthy, to keep his mouth shut. But instead, he Blabs during one of his sex sessions, and it starts to become a problem again. I'm not saying that. I believe that to be true. I think he was taken out for much more earthly, practical reasons than that, but there are people within the conspiracy Pop Pop circles who think it did have something to do with UFOs. And after watching Phil Schneider and the underground. If you remember back to that episode, my feeling was like, wait a minute, I think this whole deal with Oscar Schneider and these freaking repatriated Nazis, I feel like that's where the actual story is. I feel like valiant Thor and some of these other parts of the conspiracy theory are just window dressing. Now, look, I could be wrong. I could totally be wrong. Maybe some et dude named valiant Thor really did show up and go to the Pentagon and give them a whole bunch of secrets. Who the hell knows? But I think, for my money, the real, the real meat and potatoes of the story is like, Wait a minute. What the What the hell? What was going on with this Philadelphia Experiment? What was going on with Oscar Schneider, why were we repatriating Nazis anyway? Why was all of this paperclip nonsense even allowed to happen that's freaking terrifying, just leaving the aliens completely out of it. Then, when you think about these underground military bases and the things that could be going on down there, you think about as RFK Jr calls it a bio weapons arms race that's going on in modern times. It's like, What the hell are people down there doing? Again, not saying that there are seven foot tall aliens that smell like garbage, that are having some kind of riot down there, but like, what are the human beings, the flesh and blood human beings, doing down there? What kind of weaponry do they have? What kind of experiments are they doing? It's creepy and it's weird. Watch the series for yourself. Come to your own conclusions, stay a little bit crazy, and I will see you in the next episode.
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american horror story
death valley
Valiant Thor
phil schneider
David Icke